Cristina Ataíde in Santo Tirso
Respiração Boca a Boca [Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation] is an extensive solo show that crosses older sculptural work with recent pieces from the author. At Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, until September 18th

Cortesia da Artista

Cortesia da Artista

Cortesia da Artista

Cortesia da Artista
Iron and stone sculptures are set in dialogue with recent works by Cristina Ataíde, some made purposively for the space of the museum. Like the work installed in the 70 meter corridor (designed by architect Álvaro Siza), with circular pieces that evoked a walk through nature.
Respiração Boca a Boca [Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation], is up till September 18th and is part of the commemorations of the 6th anniversary of the International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture (MIEC), in Santo Tirso, Portugal.